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Die letzten Beiträge des Themas

Ansicht erweitern Die letzten Beiträge des Themas: Donation

Re: Donation

von WerekOrden » Di 25. Okt 2016, 21:03

Well it is a bit tricky to get a harp for donation. The Harps are also not that cheap in germany. Mhh maybe the has some "prototype harps" that they don't sell but maybe would give away for free. However I am quite sure that you have to pay the shipping. If it is a donation you would not have to pay tax I think.

Hope you will find your harp. What is with the USA there are a lot of associations. Maybe it is possible to find that way a harp.
Have a look here:


von Carlos Eduardo » Mi 8. Apr 2009, 15:57

Dear Harpists,

Good morning. I´m very glad for getting to know this forum. I am looking forward to having my own pedalharp or even a second-hand one, however, I cannot afford to buy one. In Brazil we do not have factories/suppliers of harps. Harps have to be imported. The import taxes are extremely high and the Brazilian currency doesn´t help either. I feel very frustrated having no possibility to have my own harp. I can only practice during my classes.

Well, I kindly thank you for any information you have on whom I could write to in order to request a donation. For the last years I have contacted many people but it was not successful. Ich kann ein bisschen Deutsch und moechte voraussichtlich dankbar sein.

Best regards,
Carlos Eduardo
Rio de Janeiro/Brasilien

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